


The Catalysis of Chemical Processes and its contribution to sustainable chemistry represents the Institute’s most extensive reseaarch line. Its main purpose is to develop processes and products which minimise waste. It comprises research into all spheres of chemical catalysis: homogeneous, heterogeneous and enantioselective catalysis, the development of new ligands and catalytic processes and the design and simulation of catalytic reactors.

Another area of research focuses on Nanoscience and Supramolecular Chemistry, primarly geared toward designing molecular receptors, self-replicating and self-assembling molecules, molecular aggregates with specific properties (sensors, molecular motors, etc), molecular materials combining chemical and physical properties, and supramolecular catalysts. The general goal is to contribute to the development of molecular nanotechnology through a bottom-up approach.

And last but not least, the fastest-growing line of research at ICIQ, is focused on the field of Renewable Energies and Environmental Research, with the aim to contribute to the obtention of clean energy sources from a chemical standpoint. Several groups are currently working on developing organic solar cells to serve as an alternative to the silicon cells used today, and finding new strategies for environmental remediation.


suport area


Area Manager:
Dr. Gisela Colet

Administrative Support:
Eva Casco

ICIQ’s scientific core facilities provide the scientific instrumentation needed to carry out the research at the ICIQ. The area is organized in different Units, each one comprising one or several related techniques, or, alternatively, comprising a group of techniques used by a particular research discipline.

In 2013, there were the following 10 Units:

  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  • X-Ray Diffraction
  • High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  • Chemical Reaction Technologies
  • Chromatography, Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Photophysics
  • Spectroscopy and Kinetics
  • Glass Blowing Workshop
  • Mechanical Workshop

Specialized technicians ensure the maintenance and correct use of the equipment, develop applications for the techniques available and train the researchers in preparing samples, using the equipment, understanding the applications and processing data.

To provide ICIQ researchers with information about the techniques available in our core facilities, we have organized seminars and short courses with invited speakers.

The courses seminars and workshops organized during 2013 are the following:

  1. The oil pumps: how they work and needed maintenance.
  2. Workshop on flow chemistry
  3. Seminar about rheology
  4. Course on Design of Experiments
  5. Seminar on chiral HPLC separations
  6. Course on MS

We also play a role advising the researchers in the purchase of scientific instrumentation and setting up and managing the Institute scientific infrastructures.

Finally, our staff has also participated in the Institute’s scientific outreach actions such as  “How to prepare a drug” workshop and guided tours our laboratories for Secondary School students.



European Projects

Title Total amount Period Group Leader / Resp.
Atomic Scale and single Molecule Logic gate Technologies; (ATMOL) 388.350 € 2011-2015 Dr. Echavarren
Advanced Design and Industrialization of Organic Sensitizers without Ruthenium for Dye Sensitised Solar Cells (ADIOS-Ru) 359.040 € 2012-2014 Dr. Palomares
Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles and their Application in Chemistry and Biomedicine (Mag(net)icFun) 547.975 € 2012-2016 Dr. Pericàs
A European Training Network for Sustainable Phosphorus Chemistry (SusPhos) 118.840,82 € 2013-2016 Dr. Van Leeuwen
ICIQ International Postdoctoral Mobility Programme (ICIQ-IPMP) 2.028.752 € 2012-2017 Dr. Solà
Encapsulated Water Oxidation Catalysts (EWOCs) 168.896,40 € 2012-2014 Dr. Llobet
Chasing sustainability: Synthesis of carboxylic acids from simple alcohols via CO2 fixation (ALCO2HOL) 166.336,00 € 2013-2015 Dr. Martín
Organo-Cascade Catalysis: a Shortcut to Stereochemical and Molecular Complexity (ORGANO-CAS CAT) 174.380,80 € 2011-2013 Dr. Melchiorre
Novel Applications of Renewable Based Molecules for the Production of Cyclic Carbonates and Polycarbonates (RENOVACARB) 166,336.20 € 2014-2016 Dr. Kleij
Ethanol and Ethylene Upgrade in Metal-Organic Frameworks: New Selectivity Targets (MOF-Et-WORK) 173,370.60 € 2014-2016 Dr. Shafir
Control of the Electronic Properties in Hybrid- QuantumDot/Polymer-Materials for Energy Production; (POLYDOT) 1.299.960 € 2009-2014 Dr. Palomares
A New Vision on Nanocatalysts; (NANOSONWINGS) 3.495.000 € 2010-2015 Dr. Van Leeuwen
Biomass to Chemicals: Catalysis Design from First Principles for a Sustainable Chemical Industry; (BIO2CHEM-D) 1.496.199,60 € 2010-2015 Dra. López
Exploring Chemical Reactivity with Organocatalysis; (ORGA-NAUT) 1.500.000 € 2011-2016 Dr. Melchiorre
Chasing a Fundamental Challenge in Catalysis: A Combined Cleavage of Carbon-Carbon Bonds and Carbon Dioxide for Preparing Functionalized Molecules; (FUNCBONDS) 1.423.800 € 2011-2016 Dr. Martín
Building-up Chemical Complexity into Multifunctional Molecule-based Hybrid Materials; (CHEMCOMP) 1.940.400 € 2012-2016 Dr. Galán-Mascarós
Advancing gold Catalysis (CATGOLD) 2.499.060 € 2013-2018 Dr. Echavarren

Spanish Projects

Title Total amount Period Group Leader / Resp.
Descubrir y optimizar caminos de formación de enlaces O-O a través de complejos MT 88.000 € 01/04/2010
Dr. Llobet
International Collaboration in Chemistry: Polymer Supported Lanthanide-BINOLate-Based Catalysts 180.000 € 01/12/2010
Dr. Pericàs
Catalizadores de oxidación de agua conteniendo ligandos redox no-inocentes: hacia los combustibles s 99.900 € 01/12/2011
Dr. Llobet
Hybrid optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices for renewable energy (HOPE) 412.372 € 01/04/2010
Dr. Palomares
Ligandos y catalizadores soportados: hacia el Desarrollo de materiales inteligentes con comportamiento similar a enzimas 643.478 € 01/01/2009
Dr. Pericàs
Catálisis por oro: nuevas reacciones y síntesis 517.880 € 01/01/2011
Dr. Echavarren
Catalizadores para fotosíntesis artificial 226.270 € 01/01/2011
Dr. Llobet
Nuevas estrategias asimétricas organocatalíticas en cadena: un camino directo hacia la complejidad estereoquímica y estructural 142.780 € 01/01/2011
Dr. Melchiorre
Estudios de moléculas óptica y electroquímicamente activas y su aplicación en dispositivos fotovoltaicos y electroluminiscentes moleculares 75.020 € 01/01/2011
Dr. Palomares
Estudios y aplicaciones de contenedores moleculares con estructura covalente y auto-ensamblada 199.650 € 01/01/2012
Dr. Ballester
Modelización computacional de compuestos de interés en nanociencia y catálisis: nucleación, confinamiento y reactividad 90.750 € 01/01/2012
Dr. Bo
Artificial ligands for protein surfaces and cellular uptake 220.220 € 01/01/2012
Dr. De Mendoza
Reacciones de fluoración y trifluorometilación de haloarenos catalizadas por metales 147.620 € 01/01/2012
Dr. Grushin
Conversión catalítica de CO2 sobre condiciones suaves utilizando complejos de tipo metallosalen 170.610 € 01/01/2012
Dr. Kleij
Mecanismos de reacción para catálisis en fases homogéneas 130.680 € 01/01/2012
Dr. Maseras
Desarrollo y aplicación de nuevos procesos de animación catalíticos 212.960 € 01/01/2012
Dr. Muñiz
Aproximaciones modular covalente y modular supramolecular a la catálisis asimétrica para transformaciones de interés 158.510 € 01/01/2012
Dr. Vidal
Oxidación catalítica del agua: nuevos catalizadores homogéneos, heterogéneos y bio-miméticos de química de Coordinación 117.000 € 01/01/2013
Dr. Galán
Modelización multiescalar en catálisis heterogénea: de la síntesis a la actividad 98.280 € 01/01/2013
Dra. López
Nuevos métodos sintéticos para la funcionalización catalítica de enlaces inertes 218.790 € 01/01/2013
Dr. Martín
Nuevos materiales catalíticos para procesos batch y de flujo continuo 312.390 € 01/01/2013
Dr. Pericàs
Conversión catalítica heterogénea de CO2 a productos químicos y combustibles mediante termo-, electro-, y foto-activación 119.340 € 01/01/2013
Dr. Urakawa
Programa de Movilidad Postdoctoral Internacional ICIQ 170.000 € 01/11/2013
Dr. Solà
Estudio de vibraciones de baja frecuencia críticas en reacciones catalíticas heterogéneas 75.000 € 01/12/2013
Dr. Urakawa

Catalan projects

Title Total amount Period Group Leader / Resp.
Modelatge computacional de la catàlisis homogènia i heterogènia 48.880 € 01/04/2010
Dr. Llobet
Química organometàl·lica en síntesi orgànica 70.720 € 01/12/2010
Dr. Pericàs
Catàlisi Redox 42.640 € 01/12/2011
Dr. Llobet
Química supramolecular multidisciplinar 45.760 € 01/04/2010
Dr. Palomares
Grup de recerca en sistemes catalítics modulars (SICAM) 48.880 € 01/01/2009
Dr. Pericàs
Laboratori de materials i dispositius optoelectrònics 65.520 € 01/01/2011
Dr. Echavarren
Derivats del producte natural (-)-Englerina A com a agents anticancer 75.593 € 01/01/2011
Dr. Llobet