Research Support Area
Area Manager:
Dr. Gisela Colet
Administrative Support:
Eva Casco
ICIQ’s scientific core facilities provide the scientific instrumentation needed to carry out the research at the ICIQ. The area is organized in different Units, each one comprising one or several related techniques, or, alternatively, comprising a group of techniques used by a particular research discipline.
In 2013, there were the following 10 Units:
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- X-Ray Diffraction
- High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Chemical Reaction Technologies
- Chromatography, Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry
- Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Photophysics
- Spectroscopy and Kinetics
- Glass Blowing Workshop
- Mechanical Workshop
Specialized technicians ensure the maintenance and correct use of the equipment, develop applications for the techniques available and train the researchers in preparing samples, using the equipment, understanding the applications and processing data.
To provide ICIQ researchers with information about the techniques available in our core facilities, we have organized seminars and short courses with invited speakers.
The courses seminars and workshops organized during 2013 are the following:
- The oil pumps: how they work and needed maintenance.
- Workshop on flow chemistry
- Seminar about rheology
- Course on Design of Experiments
- Seminar on chiral HPLC separations
- Course on MS
We also play a role advising the researchers in the purchase of scientific instrumentation and setting up and managing the Institute scientific infrastructures.
Finally, our staff has also participated in the Institute’s scientific outreach actions such as “How to prepare a drug” workshop and guided tours our laboratories for Secondary School students.