
Quality Research, Innovation and Technological Upgrade are our challenges. ICIQ has a strong expertise in the performance of target-oriented R&D projects, especially in the fields of Catalysis (homogeneous and heterogeneous), Molecular Recognition (design of receptors, new materials, design of specific sensors, probes, inhibitors/stabilisers, separation agents, drug delivery systems), Nanoscience and Renewable Energies.

The strategic lines of the Institute affords fundamental importance to its excellent research team which, after passing rigorous selection and assessment criteria, are provided with sufficient material and human resources to develop its research programme.

The ICIQ is particularly proud of its commitment to give excellent young researchers the opportunity of starting an independent career. ICIQ’s Tenure Track Programme has helped to this task and since 2012, ICIQ counts with a new programme, the Starting Career Programme (ICIQ-SCP) which aims at incorporating one young researcher each year and at providing him/her with funding for a small research group (two associates -PhDs or Post-Docs-). It is a unique initiative in Catalonia and in Spain, a platform for the promotion of these researchers in their years of highest scientific creativity. Furthermore, this programme guarantees the renewal of the Institute’s research lines.

The Institute aspires to consolidate its finances through the research results in order to guarantee its economical feasibility throughout time. In this sense, the industrial protection of these research results and their transfer are a very important tool. ICIQ’s technology Transfer strategy has resulted in the creation of two technology development units: Crysforma (2005) and CSOL (2010). Moreover, ICIQ has also launched two collaborative research projects with industry: the Henkel/ICIQ (2010) and Esteve/ICIQ (2009) Joint Units.

We think that our strategy based on seeking international collaborations and projects are the best way to increase the quality of our research and to ensure European/international funding. To this end, ICIQ is focused on increasing the number of International collaborations, increasing its participation in European (and international) projects and increasing our presence in lobbying groups, European platforms and networks.