Research group

Over the last years, the Pericàs laboratory at ICIQ has been engaged in a broad research program aimed at developing a complete toolkit of polymer-supported and (to a lesser extent) magnetic nanoparticle-immobilized catalysts, with optimized characteristics of catalytic activity, high induced stereoselectivity and extended life cycle.
The ultimate goal of this research has been the development of single-pass, catalytic and enantioselective flow versions of the most relevant processes for organic synthesis, contributing in this manner to a more sustainable practice of chemical synthesis. Our laboratory at ICIQ has been pioneer in this effort, being recognized as one of the leaders in the field.
Topics addressed
- Supported catalysts and flow processes
- Development of smart catalytic systems
- Superparamagnetic nanoparticles
“Molecular ruthenium complexes anchored on magnetic nanoparticles that act as powerful and magnetically recyclable stereospecific epoxidation catalysts”
Catal. Sci. Technol. 2013, 3, 706-714
L. Vaquer, P. Riente, X. Sala, S. Jansat, J. Benet-Buchholz, A. Llobet, M. A. Pericàs
“Improving CdSe Quantum Dot/Polymer Solar Cell Efficiency Through the Covalent Functionalization of Quantum Dots: Implications in the Device Recombination Kinetics”
J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 13374–13381
J. Albero, P. Riente, J. N. Clifford, M. A. Pericàs, E. Palomares
“Continuous Flow, Highly Enantioselective Michael Additions Catalyzed by a PS-Supported Squaramide”
Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 3498-3501
P. Kasaplar, C. Rodriguez-Escrich, M.A. Pericàs
“Potassium fluoride: A convenient, non-covalent support for the immobilization of organocatalysts through strong hydrogen bonds”
J. Catal. 2013, 305, 169-178
P. O. Miranda, C. Lizandara-Pueyo, M. A. Pericàs
“Paraldehyde as an Acetaldehyde Precursor in Asymmetric Michael Reactions Promoted by Site-Isolated Incompatible Catalysts”
Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 10814-10817
X. Fan, C. Rodríguez-Escrich, S. Sayalero, M. A. Pericàs
“Asymmetric anti-Mannich reactions in continuous flow”
Green Chem. 2013,15, 3295-3301
R. Martín-Rapún, S. Sayalero, M. A. Pericàs
“A Fluorous Proline Organocatalyst with Acetone Dependent Aldolase Behavior”
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 28,6254-6258
P. O. Miranda, P. Llanes, L. Torkian, M. A. Pericàs